InstructEdit: Improving Automatic Masks for Diffusion-based Image Editing With User Instructions


Recent works have explored text-guided image editing using diffusion models and generated edited images based on text prompts. However, the models struggle to accurately locate the regions to be edited and faithfully perform precise edits. In this work, we propose a framework termed InstructEdit that can do fine-grained editing based on user instructions. Our proposed framework has three components: language processor, segmenter, and image editor. The first component, the language processor, processes the user instruction using a large language model. The goal of this processing is to parse the user instruction and output prompts for the segmenter and captions for the image editor. We adopt ChatGPT and optionally BLIP2 for this step. The second component, the segmenter, uses the segmentation prompt provided by the language processor. We employ a state-of-the-art segmentation framework Grounded Segment Anything to automatically generate a high-quality mask based on the segmentation prompt. The third component, the image editor, uses the captions from the language processor and the masks from the segmenter to compute the edited image. We adopt Stable Diffusion and the mask-guided generation from DiffEdit for this purpose. Experiments show that our method outperforms previous editing methods in fine-grained editing applications where the input image contains a complex object or multiple objects. We improve the mask quality over DiffEdit and thus improve the quality of edited images. We also show that our framework can accept multiple forms of user instructions as input.


Pipeline: given a user instruction, a language processor first parses the instruction into a segmentation prompt, an input caption, and an edited caption. A segmenter then generates a mask based on the segmentation prompt. The mask along with the input and edited captions are then going to an image editor to produce the final output.


Baselines comparison

Comparison of InstructEdit against the baselines method. More results can be found in the paper and supplementary materials.

Mask improvement

We show that we improve the quality of the edited image by improving the mask quality against DiffEdit.

Source of images

All the input images tested in the paper are real world from Unsplash, Flickr or COCO dataset.